Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Joy Villa is a FRAUD who tricked us!

Yes I, along with Trump and millions of others, was duped! Why? What is "their" agenda? Why hide the following facts as proven via the links below: Joy Villa is a Bernie Sanders supporting, Scientologist who married a Scientologist & 33rd degree Mason, Thorsten Overgaard. Did you know that they got married on 12/25/2016 at the Fort Harrison Hotel which serves as the flagship building of the Flag Land Base, the Church of Scientology's spiritual headquarters in Clearwater, Florida? The location and # are: 210 S Ft Harrison Ave, Clearwater, FL 
33756 Phone: (727) 467-5500


The 10 Commandments Of Scientology

A persons spiritual beliefs and sexual preference are between themselves and God, that said... why the deception? What's the agenda here? We all want a hero for truth but Joy is NOT that truth "she" is a liar! Wake up! Let's put "her" and her husband on blast and expose them for the frauds they really are! Share this blog EVERYWHERE people and, remember, once you know the truth, silence is duplicity and you WILL be held accountable! NOTE: I will NOT reply to any hate or threat responses to this blog, period!

Did you know Joy Villa claims to be a conservative Christian? Does this look conservative or Christ like to you?


https://www.scientology.org/videos/churches/fort-harrison-tour/~fort-harrison-tour.html The Fort Harrison Hotel Official website

What is my personal opinion? I believe Joy Villa was born a male and is a transgender and that this is the agenda in order to get at the youngest generation. They want everything to be acceptable... everything but non denominational Christianity as we are seen as the enemy of the New World Order. Be sure and Tweet and Share this blog everywhere people. 

1 comment:

  1. First off, you cannot be a "conservative" Christian and a scientologist at the same time. Secondly, scientology does not support the gay/transgender lifestyle because it is destructive to natural human procreation. Having studied scientology for 4 years, I speak from experience.
